Jim Morris Guitar Auctioned for Charity
We can all agree that no celebration of Troprock music in Southwest Florida is complete without honoring the songwriter who immortalized our saltwater lifestyle, the late great Jim Morris.
Mike promised then to make a Jim Morris Signature Guitar that could be auctioned off to raise money for Jim's favorite Charity, the Shoes for Kids Project of the Charlotte County Kiwani's Club. Through the years, Jim and Sharon Morris raised money for the project that raises money to buy new shoes for under-privileged schoolchildren in Charlotte County.
The JIM MORRIS SIGNATURE GUITAR was auctioned off at our Suncoast Serenade on Saturday, Nov 4 at the grand finale dinner and concert. The winning bid was made by Ron Verhei, and long-time friend of Jim, so he took the special instrument home. The money was donated to the charity, and representative Connie Thrasher was there to receive the donation and pick up several dozens of new shoes donated for the children. Other Jim Morris memorabilia was auctioned for the cause. Sunny Jim, Jimi Pappas and John Patti performed a Jim Morris Tribute to cap off the night.
“Jim paved the way for all of us and he helped build this supportive music community that we all now enjoy. We miss him, and we have vowed to keep his music alive," said Sunny Jim. From the Fish-Head Studios in Punta Gorda back to Mike Giltzow’s home in Boise, Jim Morris’s custom-built guitar is back where it was constructed.