Spreading the Music This Holiday Season
A really good thing happened this week. I received a request from a new Sunny Jim fan, Nathan in Raleigh, NC, for a large number of CDs. Nathan is gifting Sunny Jim CDs to his family, friends and business clients this Christmas.
Saying he's enjoyed James's CD The Request Lines are Open so much, Nathan decided to give the gift of music instead of the usual holiday gifts. We had a great conversation on the phone, sharing our common experiences with the pandemic and how the music has helped us through this difficult time. I really look forward to meeting Nathan in the post-covid era, I have a feeling we are going to be friends.
As I watched James sign the CDs for Nathan, I once again marveled at how his music affects people, and through Nathan more will discover his music. I love this organic growth of his fan base and our small business. I shouldn't be surprised after all these years because I meet people all the time who share their stories about how one of Sunny Jim's songs impacted their lives.
Our friends Paul and Annie Uselton heard James song Just Write on Radio Margaritaville, looked up our website and signed up for our trip to Hawaii. Just Write became "their song" and James played for their wedding a few months later. We have been friends since then.
Our friend Deb, who has been a big source of support during this covid time (like many of you), says Sunny Jim's music helped her during a very difficult time in her life. I am looking forward to meeting her next time we are in Texas.
There is a gentleman in the UK, a relative of a good friend, who watched James' livestream show from his hospital bed and heard Sunny Jim dedicate a Beatles song to him and wished him a speedy recovery. Dave was very sick at the time, and I later heard he had tears in his eyes, and the music had cheered him up.
One day, shortly after we moved back to the States from the Cayman Islands, I received e-mails from two Moms in different parts of the country. They just wanted to let me how much "Those Little Shoes" has meant to them because they had young children. The e-mails came in on the SAME day.
I could go on and on, because are there so many stories, but maybe another time. You are all special to us and we miss seeing you during this quarantine. Let's all stay safe so we can enjoy our music events, house concerts and gatherings when covid is in our rear view mirror.
Thanks for buying and sharing Sunny Jim's music all year long! If you want to gift some CDs please visit our website for bundle deals and a 10% discount on all our purchases until Christmas.
Share the Music!
Sunny Jim music is uplifting and fun. Perfect contagious thing in life is spreading happiness and stories through music.. Thank you James and Adela White for all the happiness y’all continue to spread. Music is the key chords in life…XO
What great stories of course Jim’s songs are based on a lot of great stories!!! Love & miss you guys!!! Stay safe “Sunnier” Days are coming !!! Happy Holidays!!!